Most Sweetest Pickel
I'm still loving the show America's Most Smartest Model. Especially the male models on the show like Jeff Pickel (right). He shows that he really knows how to work a banana. I appreciate their appearance but I also like to try to figure out what kind of people these pin-up boys really are.
In fact I was thinking about them as I was trying to wake up this morning. When I'm struggling to get to full consciousness I try to figure out something in my head to get my brain cells working. Today I was trying to figure out which of the AMSM hottest men would be best to play which member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. I decided on Brett Novek being Cosmic Boy, which makes sense as Brett is my favorite model and Cosmic Boy my favorite legionnaire. Then I decided that VJ Logan would be a great Mon-El (keep the lead away!). Pickel wasn't so easy. Maybe Matter-Eater Lad. I can't keep track of all the retconning and reimaging in comic books today, so this is only based on my memory of reprints of the silver-age Legion. I wished I had Photoshop - I would put a Brett head on a Cosmic Boy body for illustration.
For obvious reason, although not necessarily from looks, I would also suggest Daniel Schuman as Brainiac-5. Andre Birleanu would of course be a super-villain, the enemy of the American way and all that is good.
Later in the day I watched the third episode of the show and considered some more personal views of the top three guys (based on smoking hotness + good personality).VJ is like the youngest child in the family. He uses his charm and personality to position himself up with the older kids. He can also get away with saying things that might be a little cocky, because he's just so damn cute (pinch those cheeks!). In his abbreviated workout shorts, VJ would make PE class a blast to attend with him. If he were a basemen and you were in the outfield, you could totally enjoy concentrating on his legs and backside instead of reciting the prayer, "Please God, don't let the ball come to me."
Pickel is a man's man. He's someone you would want to go with to a sporting event, or to play poker with, or hang around with at a cookout. Although math is not his strong suit, his ability to come up with solutions like using banana peels to write on shows he might be handy to have around the house to figure out how to unclog a drain or something. His light-hearted commentary on everything would always keep you entertained.
Brett as I mentioned elsewhere is the most huggable model, as in "Brett, I've had a so-so day and I need a hug." Brett: "Poor baby, let me put on my Papi underwear and then you come here." He is also the best spokesperson. I had already felt that if he asked me to buy something I would strongly consider it, but when he looked directly at the camera and asked "Are you ready to workout?", I wanted to jump up from the couch and exclaim, "Yes, yes, for you anything!"
I felt sorry for VJ over his tiff with Brett. He extended his hand immediately to make up and now Brett should let his anger pass. If VJ can reconcile with Brett and keep the succubus out of his bed, he should be okay.
In depth coverage and photos of -> America's Most Smartest Model.
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