Janice Dickinson and Christian Nudity
In season three, episode four of The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, the underwear company du semaine is Andrew Christian. As previously mentioned here, these companies are smart to grab the opportunity for television exposure, but so far it looks like Andrew has capitalized on it the best. One thing he did is post hot photos from his JDMA photo shoot on his website emblazoned with the company name and logo. Now these pictures are all over the web, providing free advertisement. The second thing he got right was the extensive use of model Danny Nunez, including the celebrated display of Danny's raw rump roast. Truly, this is the butt that launched a thousand browsers.
I'm not convinced that the world needs so many designers of fashion underwear, but Andrew Christian is pretty impressive if for no other reason than how he handled Janice. If you are going to be a "client" of hers you need to go into it realizing that it is all about you winning her over, not the other way around. Andrew went into the agency bearing offerings and praises and he let her have her say at the shoot. The result was a positive segment and now he will he will reap the benefit. Sexy Andrew selected four of Janice's fly boys for his photo shoot: Joe Monbleau, Danny Nunez and boyfriends Shane McCarron and Paul Anderson. (J.P. Calderon was presumably not selected because of his previous work for 2(x)ist.) At the shoot Andrew quickly realized that as good as Danny looks in one of his swimsuits, Danny looks even better not wearing one. Andrew asks Danny to get junk nekkid and for the next seven minutes of the show Danny's assets become the center of the camera's attention and reverence. It was easy instruction for the show's director to the cameraman: "Find a spot between Danny's buttocks and focus the camera there."
Danny understated as usual that he "was good with it". Wouldn't it be great if all good-looking men were so compliant when told to drop their pants and just stand there until you are done with them? He was even okay when Paul happily volunteered to shave his butt. I don't think I would be comfortable taking a razor to someone's haunches but I certainly wouldn't have minded patting on the after-shave.The model that really had something to be embarrassed about was Joe Monbleau. His drawers either had too much fabric or not enough to fill it. He tried playing with his erector set on the fly but he still needed a prosthetic "enhancement" to distinguish himself from the female models. I can't believe it was so easy to find someone to shave Danny's butt but not to find someone to help Joe rise to his potential.
Danny was not only skilled at standing erect, he also showed that he could work it while laying on his back. He did a scene with Shaun where they were in a close embrace. The photographer wanted them to appear to kiss, but Danny was too much of a gentleman to kiss someone's guy while the boyfriend was there in the room. He said that kissing Shaun was something he wouldn't do and I say good for him.
Danny may not have felt any temptation, but in another segment of the episode he and a lot of the other models auditioned to be game show models for the new show Temptation. The models were taught how to stroke and gesture at products but of the men only Brian Kehoe was able to do a good job and that, as would be expected, was by lying seductively in bed. The ugly male host of the show didn't like Kehoe, but Reno's gift to the world wouldn't really fit with a cheesy syndicated game show. The show instead picked Christian Prelle and rigid Christian Michael.There was a segment at the beginning of the episode where Janice was confronted by Michael and Models for Jesus concerning her love of nudity. Janice let her prudes Dominique and Micheal know that in her flesh business that they would have to expose themselves come Hell or high water. In the end, the fear of loss of morality wasn't as great as fear of loss of income and career and they decided to bare with it.
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