Ryan Conklin Returns To Smallville
Returning from Metropolis to his home town of Smallville, superhero Ryan Conkin showed the viewers of Real World Brooklyn a glimpse of the origin of his not so secret identity: the mild mannered small town boy. He also showed the source of his great power and the nature of his one weakness, the thing that he must avoid long exposure to in order to retain his abilities.
Chapter six of the RWBK series began with the characters Katelynn Cusanelli, JD Ordonez, and Sara Rice volunteering to work at the New York City LGBT community center. There the trio learned of a plan for a special fundraising event, known as Braking the Cycle. It would be a bicycle ride that coincidentally begins in young Ryan's hometown of Gettysburg, PA. The three agreed to join forces with the center and use the ride as a weapon to fight the archenemy, HIV/AIDS. The threesome returned to Ryan's lair at Pier 41 and revealed to him the plan. Ryan, fulfilling his mission to aid mankind and to protect the American Way, quickly agreed to ally with the LGBT league and to travel back to the place where his journey had first begun.
Ryan was excited by the circumstance. Though his adventures had taken him far from home, the place was still dear to him. He wished to show the other members of the Real World team, who had also agreed to join the mission, why he loved it so much. On the appointed day for the start of the journey, Ryan arose from his bed at the break of dawn. He was clad only in the protective boxer shorts that many have longed to penetrate though few have succeeded. Wishing to travel in the guise of an ordinary straight boy, Ryan covered his handsome physique with traveling garb and looked to gather his compatriots.
Ryan saw that the females of the group were still asleep, as though under the influence of some dark force. Relying on the training he had received years before as a member of a marching band, Ryan marched into the room to awaken them. He resourcefully used a pan, rather than his trusty trumpet, to produce a sound so great that no sleep could withstand it. The females rouse, but in that instant Ryan was forced to flee from their presence. As the story unfolds it becomes clear that females drain Ryan of his abilities and so he must not remain long in their company. Prolonged exposure could even be mortal. Ryan's sidekick Chet Cannon was aware of this and accordingly insisted that the females ride in a vehicle separate from Ryan's man force. Ryan acknowledged that riding in the car with even one of the females for a period of four hours would cause him not to arrive alive.
In their own vehicle the boys successfully used artifice to separate themselves from the females and to proceed with haste to Gettysburg.
They arrived at the rendezvous where they had arranged to meet the other superhero in Ryan's family, his brother, the equally powerful and even more hunky Aaron Conklin. While Ryan was away in Brooklyn, Aaron had remained behind in his identity as a security officer at Gettysburg College. There he helped those in need, and protected the innocent youth of the school. For Ryan, the immediate need was to replenish his power. The source of it is an unknown form of energy that is created by all men. It surrounds them, penetrates them and binds them all together. It can be harnessed by Ryan out of the focused effort of a group of men engaging in similar activity and in close proximity.
To effect the power production, Ryan had a plan to commandeer a local transport and use it to bring his brother and the Brooklyn man force together where they could bond and release their free testosterone. He accomplished this and the manpower began to flow. Unfortunately, half way through the process, the females arrived and threatened to negate the action. Ryan deftly diverted them away and completed his plan. Re-energized, Ryan was then able to take time to visit with his family and introduce the Real Worlders to them. Ryan brought them all together for dinner at the The Pike restaurant in Gettysburg. Upon meeting Ma and Pa Conklin, the Real Worlders finally understood from where Ryan had gotten his good and gentle nature.
To fulfill their mission, early the next day all the Real Worlders converged on the opening ceremonies of the cycling event. There they expected to support helping others and to honor those who had passed away. Sadly, their success was marred by an antagonist from within the group. The soulless Chet Cannon used the opportunity to mock the dead and to terribly engross himself in only his own amusement. Letting his ugliness from inside show through, Chet disrespectfully used a flag meant to honor a specific victim of AIDS in a way that he admitted was an attempt at a "joke" so that he "could have a good time."
The only joke related to this would be to have a standard size flag pole shoved up Chet's ass and then waved vigorously. He's not like Ryan, and surely someday Ryan will call him out for his bad behavior.
With the charitable event completed, Ryan Conklin returned to Brooklyn. Another chapter in the story of this American hero had reached its conclusion. Without doubt there will be many more in the future.

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